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Saving the world one sole at a time. Check out my thoughts on whatever I feel like writing about.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Another one gone....

I was saddened to learn yesterday of the passing of musician Dan Fogelberg. Actually, I am always bummed out when I read that someone who has made great music dies, (Bob Marley, Frank Zappa, Robert Palmer, Nicolette Larson) but this is especially tragic. Like many of us, I was drawn to his music in the 70's and then his album "The Innocent Age", in the early 80's really increased his popularity. XM played his song "Same Old Lang Syne" often on their Christmas channel "Holly". My wife asked about the song last weekend while we were doing some painting and the song came on. We talked about how we liked the song and wondered if Dan Fogelberg really DID run into an old lover in a gracery store. News accounts suggest that he did not: he said that although his music had a mellow, brooding quality to it, that was not really his personality. In fact, he said one of his best friends was Jimmy Buffet. I"m going to miss this guy. I plan to download his greatest hits from the net.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Man...I'm bummed! I loved that guy's music.

Of course, now I've got that song in my head. Really sad, bittersweet song.

Hope you guys are doing well. Look forward to some biking with you and Rodney hopefully this Spring.
