About Me
- BikeDr4u@aol.com
- Saving the world one sole at a time. Check out my thoughts on whatever I feel like writing about.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Another one gone....
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Winter is here!
I did finally get a ride in this AM with my neighbor, Jukka. I scanned the weather channel website just before I left: not a speck of green to be seen. A light rain started less than 1 mile into the ride. Where did that come from?? Since it was quite cold (43) and real windy, it made for some less-than-desirable riding conditions. But hey, it was still a ride!
Friday, November 23, 2007
I'm glad that there is nothing I need (or want) bad enough to get out of bed in the wee hours of the day and stand in line outside a store just so I can get a deal on something. I like getting a deal, just not that much. I got 2 new cell phones today BOGO free, $19.99. I also just picked up a new pair of shaped skiis. I got last years model for 46% off the original sale price. I think they will shred the gnarly stuff and plow through the powder just like this years model.
It was 77 yesterday and that made for a sweet pre-turkey ride. Tomorrow's high will be 51. Brrrrrrrrr! That's still better than 42 and rain. Later!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Great Riding

Five adventurous riders from Ohio made the trip down to NC last weekend for some winterish riding. The boys were in great form as we followed a nice loop out through the wetern fringes of Wake County up over Jordan Lake and back into downtown Apex. Although the weather was cooler than normal and the wind picked up, we had a pretty decent ride of just over 52 miles.
Sunday, we joined the local bike shop ride of 40 or so riders on the regular social ride. Two of the boys decided to run with the A group and all I knoe is that they finished the ride and did it faster than the rest of us. The remaining four of us stayed with the main group of B riders. I was amazed to see Bud pulling on the front for so long. He was followed closely by "Shoeless" Kevin B. on pulling duties. And not to be outdone, Todd finally let his legs do the talking by hammering up the final climb (which I still can't stand) to take the KOM honors. Give that man a polkadot jersey!
In between rides, we enjoyed some NC barbecue, a little Moe's and subs from Rudino's. The highlight of the weekend however was the Ohio State Buckeyes trouncing those pussies from Michigan. Ah, we had fun watching that game, didn't we???
Since its almost Thanksgiving, let me say that I'm thankful to have, among other things, a great group of riding buddies! Ride on.....
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Rules of the Road
Another unwritten rule was highlighted last weekend: don't ride near a guy with a creaking bike! Chaz bought some high dollar Zipp wheels for his bike, but his front wheel was making an awful clicking noise. It was hilarious to see how someone would ride near him, realize HE was making that noise , then slowly drift back away from him like he had a disease. A wise mechanic decided it was an extra long presta valve stem that needed a little electrical tape to keep it from knocking on the rim.
Never ever ever talk on a cell phone in the peloton! This seems obvious to me but its amazing how many people try to do this. Apart from the huge safety issue, I don't know how you could hear with the wind screaming through your phone.
One of the most dreadful things I have encountered is a dropped water bottle. Especially when you're in a group with 30 plus riders at a good pace. Someone usually screams "Bottle!!!!!" and then the panic sets in and the collision avoidance maneuvers occur. If the bottle doesn't take you down, any number of people trying to miss the bottle can take you down just as effectively. And the WORST case senario is when the person who drops the bottle brakes hard like they are going to hop off their bike and pick up that bottle! Good grief! Dude, there are 25 people beind you going fast: now is not the time toi ris life and limb (yours or mine) to save a $5 watre bottle.
Then there is Dick (a perfect name for him) aka loud talker guy. This guy talks so loud that I know hes a financial planner, he has a lot of doctors as clients (really impressive, right), he is single(I suspect his wife left him) and he is thinking of retiring in the next 5 years and moving from his 2 acre lot to a low maintenance condo. Not that he's ever spoken DIRECTLY to me. He just likes to talk and he talks loud. I am not happy that I know all this about him but its like he forced it upon me. Kind of like second hand smoke.
There are lots and lots of other rules, but I'll save those for another post. Ride on!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Pain in the Rear
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I'm Back!
Seventy five days! That's how our summer has been. That is, we have had 75 days this summer where the mercury hit 90 degrees or better. It's been one of the hottest summers Raleigh has seen. The previous record for 90 degrees plus days was 73, set back in 1953. August was collectively the hottest month ever recorded in Raleigh. The high 2 days ago was 101: another record heat day. We have had many heat records broken. The high today was ONLY 86. No more 90 days forecast for the immediate future.
We still need about 20" of rain to make up for our rain deficit. We are only supposed to water our grass on Wednesdays now (5AM-10AM). Don't tell anyone but I have a whole bunch of law-breaking, habitual grass waterers in my neighborhood.
The hot weather has put a slowdown on bike riding too, and that's a real shame. I have spent the last month however, riding the streets around Holly Springs, getting to know the local roads. I have a number of potential routes plotted now to take visitors on. We do have some hills here: in fact, you can't get ouit to the west side of town, for good in-the -country riding unless you chug up a few hills first. Never fear though: we will set a nice easy tempo through these areas. That's it for today!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
A foot fetish??
Sunday, May 6, 2007
I Love New York
I'll take Holly Springs any day. Give me an acre or .4, where I can watch the dog chase a ball, or some streets I can walk down without being hit by a bus. Or some country roads where I can hammer with 50 or 60 of my closest bike riding friends on Sunday afternoons. By the way, since this will be the first post on this blog, welcome. I hope you return often to read other posts. Let me know what you think. You can sign up to be alerted via email when a new post is added. I might post once a week or so. Thanks!